Eliza McGraw is a writer and journalist who has written for the New York Times, Smithsonian.com, Atlas Obscura, and the Washington Post. She knows how to craft clear and compelling stories and has taught writing at the college level.
Eliza McGraw has written five books including Here Comes Exterminator!, which the Wall Street Journal called "a souvenir of an age now nearly vanished from memory.” She is working on a book about the American horsewomen of the New Woman era of 1890-1925 -- cowgirls, circus riders, high jumpers -- and spending time with her mare, Audie. She writes frequently for the Washington Post and other publications.
Eliza is a meticulous researcher who can spot relevant information deep in troves of material. Both her journalism and her books touch on the forgotten stories of the American experience. At 15 Minutes she specializes in translating obscure or jargonistic language into something the informed reader can both enjoy and understand. She has taught expository writing at American University and at Vanderbilt.
Eliza has appeared on numerous podcasts and radio shows, and has spoken in front of audiences of all sizes.
Eliza earned her PhD in English from Vanderbilt University and lives in Washington, D.C.