High-stakes appearances are valuable for your brand, your company and your mission

Skills such as how to succinctly convey complex ideas and engage an audience can make you stand out. You can develop and improve your core skills with our executive communication coaching. You'll get strategies to navigate tricky topics, and ways improve your writing, language, style and tone to lead more effectively. 

Ace the presentation

We analyze and give specific feedback on previous presentations. Don’t have any to show us? We’ll record you speaking and tell you honestly how your communication is “landing.”

  • Using a framework for answers to keep exchanges effective
  • Answering spontaneous questions with a purpose
  • Building interest
  • Speaking with emotion and authority
  • Knowing best practices for body language, appearance and voice control 
  • Connecting with your audience or your team

All of our programs are bespoke. Here are some popular options:

Executive package
Three 90-minute sessions: $4,200
Media training
Bespoke program starts at $3,200
Practice a high-stake speech or presentation and get specific, actionable feedback from a coach: $1,600

Our sessions can take place on-site, at our offices, or virtually anywhere

Enjoy the spotlight

Get the feedback you need to get to the next level
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